Report generated by TapEx V1.8 Pulse data (excluding pauses) Recognised pulses : 947173 (98.105369%) Total pulses : 965465 Included pulses : 947277 (98.116141%) Running length : 05:49 Final checksum : $1B9BCA5B Magic-CRC32 : $190FA380 (tapclean "compatible") Current skew : 0 US GOLD / EPYX ( 83) PAUSE ( 173) UNRECOGNISED ( 171) [$00000014-$00000018] PAUSE ($00F139CB cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00000018-$0000001a] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (2 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0002 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : T2 Load address : $0000 End address : $059F (in loader: $059F) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $85/$85) CRC32 : $A8689739 Tapclean CRC32 : $45329268 Pilots/trailers : 254/7 ($FE/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 1440 bytes Bytes decoded : 1445 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0000001a - $00003541 -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00003541-$00003542] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00003542-$00003546] PAUSE ($0003870E cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00003546-$0000354a] PAUSE ($00000E44 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0000354a-$000035ac] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (98 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0007 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : B2 Load address : $0000 End address : $086F (in loader: $086F) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $2E/$2E) CRC32 : $40880B1A Tapclean CRC32 : $5C410745 Pilots/trailers : 212/7 ($D4/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 2160 bytes Bytes decoded : 2165 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000035ac - $0000800b 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0000800b-$0000800c] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0000800c-$00008010] PAUSE ($00036D0D cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00008010-$00008014] PAUSE ($00000D45 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00008014-$00008076] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (98 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 000c File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : O8 Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $CD/$CD) CRC32 : $06445B8F Tapclean CRC32 : $EA454D98 Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $00008076 - $0000a54d 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0000a54d-$0000a54e] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0000a54e-$0000a552] PAUSE ($00037AB4 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0000a552-$0000a556] PAUSE ($00000CEB cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0000a556-$0000a5b7] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (97 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0011 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : O5 Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $78/$78) CRC32 : $51ACF378 Tapclean CRC32 : $7C082DEA Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0000a5b7 - $0000ca8e 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0000ca8e-$0000ca8f] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0000ca8f-$0000ca93] PAUSE ($000374BA cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0000ca93-$0000ca97] PAUSE ($00000AFA cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0000ca97-$0000cb27] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (144 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0016 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : O6 Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $FC/$FC) CRC32 : $46A152BE Tapclean CRC32 : $BF6AF76E Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0000cb27 - $0000effe 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0000effe-$0000efff] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0000efff-$0000f003] PAUSE ($0003794A cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0000f003-$0000f007] PAUSE ($00000A2E cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0000f007-$0000f088] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (129 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 001b File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : O7 Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $FC/$FC) CRC32 : $0B5393E4 Tapclean CRC32 : $D71E3F84 Pilots/trailers : 210/7 ($D2/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0000f088 - $00011557 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00011557-$00011558] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00011558-$0001155c] PAUSE ($00037A01 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0001155c-$00011560] PAUSE ($00000D77 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00011560-$00012a59] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (5369 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00012a59-$00012a5d] PAUSE ($00000822 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00012a5d-$00013aa1] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (4164 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00013aa1-$00013aa5] PAUSE ($00036AFC cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00013aa5-$00013aa9] PAUSE ($00000D3E cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00013aa9-$00013b20] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (119 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0025 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : T1 Load address : $0000 End address : $059F (in loader: $059F) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $7D/$7D) CRC32 : $8F11C903 Tapclean CRC32 : $13775717 Pilots/trailers : 210/7 ($D2/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 1440 bytes Bytes decoded : 1445 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $00013b20 - $00016eef 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00016eef-$00016ef0] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00016ef0-$00016ef4] PAUSE ($0003712A cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00016ef4-$00016ef8] PAUSE ($00000BCC cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00016ef8-$00016f69] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (113 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 002a File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : B1 Load address : $0000 End address : $086F (in loader: $086F) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $86/$86) CRC32 : $639EADB7 Tapclean CRC32 : $3D4CA52A Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 2160 bytes Bytes decoded : 2165 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $00016f69 - $0001b9c0 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0001b9c0-$0001b9c1] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0001b9c1-$0001b9c5] PAUSE ($00036873 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0001b9c5-$0001b9c9] PAUSE ($00000ABE cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0001b9c9-$0001ba41] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (120 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 002f File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : O0 Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $01/$01) CRC32 : $D6D3F808 Tapclean CRC32 : $80276FA0 Pilots/trailers : 212/7 ($D4/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0001ba41 - $0001df20 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0001df20-$0001df21] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0001df21-$0001df25] PAUSE ($000371F4 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0001df25-$0001df29] PAUSE ($000009F5 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0001df29-$0001dfc0] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (151 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0034 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : O5 Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $78/$78) CRC32 : $51ACF378 Tapclean CRC32 : $7C082DEA Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0001dfc0 - $00020497 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00020497-$00020498] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00020498-$0002049c] PAUSE ($00037979 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0002049c-$000204a0] PAUSE ($00000BF7 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000204a0-$00020517] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (119 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0039 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : O6 Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $FC/$FC) CRC32 : $46A152BE Tapclean CRC32 : $BF6AF76E Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $00020517 - $000229ee 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000229ee-$000229ef] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000229ef-$000229f3] PAUSE ($00036720 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000229f3-$000229f7] PAUSE ($00000D87 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000229f7-$00022a68] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (113 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 003e File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : O7 Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $FC/$FC) CRC32 : $0B5393E4 Tapclean CRC32 : $D71E3F84 Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $00022a68 - $00024f3f 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00024f3f-$00024f40] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00024f40-$00024f44] PAUSE ($00037452 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00024f44-$00024f48] PAUSE ($00000BA5 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00024f48-$00024fba] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (114 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0043 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : O7 Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $FC/$FC) CRC32 : $0B5393E4 Tapclean CRC32 : $D71E3F84 Pilots/trailers : 212/7 ($D4/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $00024fba - $00027499 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00027499-$0002749a] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0002749a-$0002749e] PAUSE ($0003681F cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0002749e-$000274a2] PAUSE ($00000AD7 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000274a2-$0002751e] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (124 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0048 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : T0 Load address : $0000 End address : $059F (in loader: $059F) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $5D/$5D) CRC32 : $064B6497 Tapclean CRC32 : $81C710FC Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 1440 bytes Bytes decoded : 1445 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0002751e - $0002a8f5 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0002a8f5-$0002a8f6] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0002a8f6-$0002a8fa] PAUSE ($0003671C cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0002a8fa-$0002a8fe] PAUSE ($00000C45 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0002a8fe-$0002a969] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (107 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 004d File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : B0 Load address : $0000 End address : $086F (in loader: $086F) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $2D/$2D) CRC32 : $E6F11EE9 Tapclean CRC32 : $5274B3C3 Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 2160 bytes Bytes decoded : 2165 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0002a969 - $0002f3c0 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0002f3c0-$0002f3c1] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0002f3c1-$0002f3c5] PAUSE ($00036C9C cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0002f3c5-$0002f3c9] PAUSE ($000009A5 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0002f3c9-$0002f449] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (128 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0052 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : O9 Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $49/$49) CRC32 : $51915D6B Tapclean CRC32 : $7F2246E2 Pilots/trailers : 210/7 ($D2/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0002f449 - $00031918 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00031918-$00031919] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00031919-$0003191d] PAUSE ($000367F8 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0003191d-$00031921] PAUSE ($00000BEA cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00031921-$0003198d] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (108 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0057 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : O5 Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $78/$78) CRC32 : $51ACF378 Tapclean CRC32 : $7C082DEA Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0003198d - $00033e64 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00033e64-$00033e65] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00033e65-$00033e69] PAUSE ($00036BC6 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00033e69-$00033e6d] PAUSE ($00000BF7 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00033e6d-$00033efc] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (143 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 005c File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OF Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $37/$37) CRC32 : $9CEA3EF9 Tapclean CRC32 : $EBC8B9C5 Pilots/trailers : 210/7 ($D2/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $00033efc - $00036433 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00036433-$00036434] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00036434-$00036438] PAUSE ($000369BB cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00036438-$0003643c] PAUSE ($00000BCB cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0003643c-$000364b5] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (121 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0061 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OF Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $37/$37) CRC32 : $9CEA3EF9 Tapclean CRC32 : $EBC8B9C5 Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000364b5 - $000389f4 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000389f4-$000389f5] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000389f5-$000389f9] PAUSE ($00036965 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000389f9-$000389fd] PAUSE ($00000A75 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000389fd-$00038a7d] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (128 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0066 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OF Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $37/$37) CRC32 : $9CEA3EF9 Tapclean CRC32 : $EBC8B9C5 Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $00038a7d - $0003afbc 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0003afbc-$0003afbd] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0003afbd-$0003afc1] PAUSE ($00036BF5 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0003afc1-$0003afc5] PAUSE ($00000DB9 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0003afc5-$0003b049] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (132 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 006b File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : T9 Load address : $0000 End address : $059F (in loader: $059F) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $9F/$9F) CRC32 : $3692C93C Tapclean CRC32 : $2F12FB13 Pilots/trailers : 209/7 ($D1/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 1440 bytes Bytes decoded : 1445 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0003b049 - $0003e410 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0003e410-$0003e411] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0003e411-$0003e415] PAUSE ($0003663C cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0003e415-$0003e419] PAUSE ($000008A2 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0003e419-$0003e49d] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (132 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0070 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : B0 Load address : $0000 End address : $086F (in loader: $086F) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $2D/$2D) CRC32 : $E6F11EE9 Tapclean CRC32 : $5274B3C3 Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 2160 bytes Bytes decoded : 2165 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0003e49d - $00042ef4 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00042ef4-$00042ef5] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00042ef5-$00042ef9] PAUSE ($000369AA cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00042ef9-$00042efd] PAUSE ($00000C87 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00042efd-$00042f65] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (104 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0075 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : O9 Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $49/$49) CRC32 : $51915D6B Tapclean CRC32 : $7F2246E2 Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $00042f65 - $0004543c 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0004543c-$0004543d] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0004543d-$00045441] PAUSE ($00036B47 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00045441-$00045445] PAUSE ($00000C15 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00045445-$000454b0] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (107 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 007a File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OF Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $37/$37) CRC32 : $9CEA3EF9 Tapclean CRC32 : $EBC8B9C5 Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000454b0 - $000479ef 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000479ef-$000479f0] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000479f0-$000479f4] PAUSE ($00036C6E cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000479f4-$000479f8] PAUSE ($00000871 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000479f8-$00047a6c] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (116 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 007f File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OF Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $37/$37) CRC32 : $9CEA3EF9 Tapclean CRC32 : $EBC8B9C5 Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $00047a6c - $00049fab 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00049fab-$00049fac] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00049fac-$00049fb0] PAUSE ($00036723 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00049fb0-$00049fb4] PAUSE ($00000A27 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00049fb4-$0004a025] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (113 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0084 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OF Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $37/$37) CRC32 : $9CEA3EF9 Tapclean CRC32 : $EBC8B9C5 Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0004a025 - $0004c564 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0004c564-$0004c565] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0004c565-$0004c569] PAUSE ($00035F0A cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0004c569-$0004c56d] PAUSE ($00000D7B cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0004c56d-$0004c5bb] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (78 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0089 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OF Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $37/$37) CRC32 : $9CEA3EF9 Tapclean CRC32 : $EBC8B9C5 Pilots/trailers : 213/7 ($D5/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0004c5bb - $0004eb0a 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0004eb0a-$0004eb0b] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0004eb0b-$0004eb0f] PAUSE ($00036E97 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0004eb0f-$0004eb13] PAUSE ($000009FD cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0004eb13-$0004eb86] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (115 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 008e File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : T4 Load address : $0000 End address : $059F (in loader: $059F) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $7D/$7D) CRC32 : $EB614312 Tapclean CRC32 : $7FBB7814 Pilots/trailers : 212/7 ($D4/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 1440 bytes Bytes decoded : 1445 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0004eb86 - $00051f65 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00051f65-$00051f66] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00051f66-$00051f6a] PAUSE ($00035895 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00051f6a-$00051f6e] PAUSE ($00000C0C cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00051f6e-$00051fcb] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (93 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0093 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : B4 Load address : $0000 End address : $086F (in loader: $086F) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $F4/$F4) CRC32 : $81AC543C Tapclean CRC32 : $9FEBEC80 Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 2160 bytes Bytes decoded : 2165 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $00051fcb - $00056a22 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00056a22-$00056a23] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00056a23-$00056a27] PAUSE ($00035D9D cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00056a27-$00056a2b] PAUSE ($00000C4A cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00056a2b-$00056a92] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (103 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0098 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : O2 Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $C5/$C5) CRC32 : $40B6D057 Tapclean CRC32 : $BD0E2B3A Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $00056a92 - $00058f69 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00058f69-$00058f6a] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00058f6a-$00058f6e] PAUSE ($00036B9F cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00058f6e-$00058f72] PAUSE ($00000B2D cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00058f72-$00058fdb] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (105 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 009d File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OA Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $2A/$2A) CRC32 : $3FB4FA0E Tapclean CRC32 : $63D9F3ED Pilots/trailers : 213/7 ($D5/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $00058fdb - $0005b4c2 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0005b4c2-$0005b4c3] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0005b4c3-$0005b4c7] PAUSE ($00036A49 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0005b4c7-$0005b4cb] PAUSE ($00000CFB cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0005b4cb-$0005b51f] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (84 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 00a2 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OB Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $3E/$3E) CRC32 : $885B7BBB Tapclean CRC32 : $48792219 Pilots/trailers : 212/7 ($D4/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0005b51f - $0005d9fe 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0005d9fe-$0005d9ff] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0005d9ff-$0005da03] PAUSE ($00036538 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0005da03-$0005da07] PAUSE ($00000C2F cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0005da07-$0005da66] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (95 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 00a7 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OC Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $64/$64) CRC32 : $3C5519F0 Tapclean CRC32 : $65719435 Pilots/trailers : 212/7 ($D4/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0005da66 - $0005ff45 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0005ff45-$0005ff46] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0005ff46-$0005ff4a] PAUSE ($0003636E cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0005ff4a-$0005ff4e] PAUSE ($00000E09 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0005ff4e-$0005ffaf] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (97 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 00ac File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OG Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $B2/$B2) CRC32 : $B19EB3A4 Tapclean CRC32 : $5E00C2E2 Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0005ffaf - $000624ee 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000624ee-$000624ef] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000624ef-$000624f3] PAUSE ($00036379 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000624f3-$000624f7] PAUSE ($00000C93 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000624f7-$00062564] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (109 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 00b1 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : T5 Load address : $0000 End address : $059F (in loader: $059F) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $E3/$E3) CRC32 : $FABFF59F Tapclean CRC32 : $BB309A03 Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 1440 bytes Bytes decoded : 1445 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $00062564 - $0006593b 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0006593b-$0006593c] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0006593c-$00065940] PAUSE ($00035DCF cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00065940-$00065944] PAUSE ($00000C70 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00065944-$000659a5] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (97 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 00b6 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : B5 Load address : $0000 End address : $086F (in loader: $086F) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $D5/$D5) CRC32 : $8D00F183 Tapclean CRC32 : $E0EEFB7A Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 2160 bytes Bytes decoded : 2165 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000659a5 - $0006a3fc 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0006a3fc-$0006a3fd] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0006a3fd-$0006a401] PAUSE ($000356F4 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0006a401-$0006a405] PAUSE ($00000D5C cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0006a405-$0006a46d] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (104 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 00bb File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : O3 Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $29/$29) CRC32 : $14C67693 Tapclean CRC32 : $3B2B0CAA Pilots/trailers : 210/7 ($D2/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0006a46d - $0006c93c 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0006c93c-$0006c93d] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0006c93d-$0006c941] PAUSE ($00036355 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0006c941-$0006c945] PAUSE ($00000D64 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0006c945-$0006c99d] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (88 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 00c0 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : O8 Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $CD/$CD) CRC32 : $06445B8F Tapclean CRC32 : $EA454D98 Pilots/trailers : 212/7 ($D4/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0006c99d - $0006ee7c 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0006ee7c-$0006ee7d] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0006ee7d-$0006ee81] PAUSE ($00036658 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0006ee81-$0006ee85] PAUSE ($00000CD4 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0006ee85-$0006eee8] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (99 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 00c5 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OE Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $80/$80) CRC32 : $B87D20F0 Tapclean CRC32 : $57FBED27 Pilots/trailers : 210/7 ($D2/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0006eee8 - $0007141f 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0007141f-$00071420] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00071420-$00071424] PAUSE ($0003645F cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00071424-$00071428] PAUSE ($00000C8D cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00071428-$000714a2] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (122 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 00ca File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OF Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $37/$37) CRC32 : $9CEA3EF9 Tapclean CRC32 : $EBC8B9C5 Pilots/trailers : 212/7 ($D4/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000714a2 - $000739e9 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000739e9-$000739ea] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000739ea-$000739ee] PAUSE ($0003600F cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000739ee-$000739f2] PAUSE ($00000E6C cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000739f2-$00073a61] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (111 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 00cf File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : O4 Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $6C/$6C) CRC32 : $E6BEF06D Tapclean CRC32 : $FB83C90A Pilots/trailers : 210/7 ($D2/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $00073a61 - $00075f30 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00075f30-$00075f31] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00075f31-$00075f35] PAUSE ($00036568 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00075f35-$00075f39] PAUSE ($00000DDE cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00075f39-$00075f7b] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (66 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 00d4 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : T3 Load address : $0000 End address : $059F (in loader: $059F) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $BC/$BC) CRC32 : $F26697A9 Tapclean CRC32 : $55DB2AFD Pilots/trailers : 212/7 ($D4/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 1440 bytes Bytes decoded : 1445 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $00075f7b - $0007935a 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0007935a-$0007935b] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0007935b-$0007935f] PAUSE ($00035E20 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0007935f-$00079363] PAUSE ($00000E3D cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00079363-$000793a3] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (64 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 00d9 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : B3 Load address : $0000 End address : $086F (in loader: $086F) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $58/$58) CRC32 : $50B47DCC Tapclean CRC32 : $DFF61BB9 Pilots/trailers : 212/7 ($D4/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 2160 bytes Bytes decoded : 2165 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000793a3 - $0007de02 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0007de02-$0007de03] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0007de03-$0007de07] PAUSE ($0003622F cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0007de07-$0007de0b] PAUSE ($00000D1F cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0007de0b-$0007de5f] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (84 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 00de File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : O1 Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $64/$64) CRC32 : $CE4DFCA1 Tapclean CRC32 : $81B07B98 Pilots/trailers : 212/7 ($D4/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0007de5f - $0008033e 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0008033e-$0008033f] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0008033f-$00080343] PAUSE ($000364C2 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00080343-$00080347] PAUSE ($00000DF4 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00080347-$000803ad] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (102 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 00e3 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : O2 Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $C5/$C5) CRC32 : $40B6D057 Tapclean CRC32 : $BD0E2B3A Pilots/trailers : 210/7 ($D2/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000803ad - $0008287c 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0008287c-$0008287d] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0008287d-$00082881] PAUSE ($000363FB cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00082881-$00082885] PAUSE ($00000DAF cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00082885-$000828f3] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (110 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 00e8 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OF Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $37/$37) CRC32 : $9CEA3EF9 Tapclean CRC32 : $EBC8B9C5 Pilots/trailers : 210/7 ($D2/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000828f3 - $00084e2a 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00084e2a-$00084e2b] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00084e2b-$00084e2f] PAUSE ($00036118 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00084e2f-$00084e33] PAUSE ($00000E1D cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00084e33-$00084e9e] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (107 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 00ed File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OE Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $80/$80) CRC32 : $B87D20F0 Tapclean CRC32 : $57FBED27 Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $00084e9e - $000873dd 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000873dd-$000873de] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000873de-$000873e2] PAUSE ($0003646C cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000873e2-$000873e6] PAUSE ($00000A57 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000873e6-$0008743e] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (88 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 00f2 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : O0 Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $01/$01) CRC32 : $D6D3F808 Tapclean CRC32 : $80276FA0 Pilots/trailers : 212/7 ($D4/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0008743e - $0008991d 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0008991d-$0008991e] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0008991e-$00089922] PAUSE ($000358EC cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00089922-$00089926] PAUSE ($00000D22 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00089926-$0008997a] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (84 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 00f7 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : TA Load address : $0000 End address : $059F (in loader: $059F) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $62/$62) CRC32 : $226211B6 Tapclean CRC32 : $C4283A04 Pilots/trailers : 212/7 ($D4/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 1440 bytes Bytes decoded : 1445 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0008997a - $0008cd59 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0008cd59-$0008cd5a] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0008cd5a-$0008cd5e] PAUSE ($000363F8 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0008cd5e-$0008cd62] PAUSE ($00000E86 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0008cd62-$0008cdc1] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (95 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 00fc File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : B3 Load address : $0000 End address : $086F (in loader: $086F) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $58/$58) CRC32 : $50B47DCC Tapclean CRC32 : $DFF61BB9 Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 2160 bytes Bytes decoded : 2165 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0008cdc1 - $00091818 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00091818-$00091819] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00091819-$0009181d] PAUSE ($000351E4 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0009181d-$00091821] PAUSE ($00000CCC cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00091821-$0009187a] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (89 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0101 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : O1 Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $64/$64) CRC32 : $CE4DFCA1 Tapclean CRC32 : $81B07B98 Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0009187a - $00093d51 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00093d51-$00093d52] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00093d52-$00093d56] PAUSE ($00035857 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00093d56-$00093d5a] PAUSE ($00000BFA cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00093d5a-$00093dc5] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (107 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0106 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : O2 Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $C5/$C5) CRC32 : $40B6D057 Tapclean CRC32 : $BD0E2B3A Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $00093dc5 - $0009629c 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0009629c-$0009629d] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0009629d-$000962a1] PAUSE ($00035DAD cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000962a1-$000962a5] PAUSE ($00000E31 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000962a5-$000962fa] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (85 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 010b File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OF Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $37/$37) CRC32 : $9CEA3EF9 Tapclean CRC32 : $EBC8B9C5 Pilots/trailers : 212/7 ($D4/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000962fa - $00098841 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00098841-$00098842] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00098842-$00098846] PAUSE ($000356B5 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$00098846-$0009884a] PAUSE ($00000CAA cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0009884a-$000988ba] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (112 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0110 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OF Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $37/$37) CRC32 : $9CEA3EF9 Tapclean CRC32 : $EBC8B9C5 Pilots/trailers : 210/7 ($D2/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000988ba - $0009adf1 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0009adf1-$0009adf2] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0009adf2-$0009adf6] PAUSE ($00035CC4 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0009adf6-$0009adfa] PAUSE ($00000B7D cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0009adfa-$0009ae5b] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (97 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0115 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OF Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $37/$37) CRC32 : $9CEA3EF9 Tapclean CRC32 : $EBC8B9C5 Pilots/trailers : 210/7 ($D2/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0009ae5b - $0009d392 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0009d392-$0009d393] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0009d393-$0009d397] PAUSE ($000361BE cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0009d397-$0009d39b] PAUSE ($00000CD3 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$0009d39b-$0009d3e6] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (75 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 011a File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : T6 Load address : $0000 End address : $059F (in loader: $059F) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $AF/$AF) CRC32 : $38C8860D Tapclean CRC32 : $36E6FA05 Pilots/trailers : 212/7 ($D4/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 1440 bytes Bytes decoded : 1445 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $0009d3e6 - $000a07c5 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000a07c5-$000a07c6] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000a07c6-$000a07ca] PAUSE ($00034A21 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000a07ca-$000a07ce] PAUSE ($00000D79 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000a07ce-$000a0831] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (99 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 011f File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : B6 Load address : $0000 End address : $086F (in loader: $086F) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $BC/$BC) CRC32 : $617103A2 Tapclean CRC32 : $5C224CE2 Pilots/trailers : 212/7 ($D4/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 2160 bytes Bytes decoded : 2165 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000a0831 - $000a5290 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000a5290-$000a5291] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000a5291-$000a5295] PAUSE ($00035175 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000a5295-$000a5299] PAUSE ($00000D6C cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000a5299-$000a5309] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (112 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0124 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : O9 Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $49/$49) CRC32 : $51915D6B Tapclean CRC32 : $7F2246E2 Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000a5309 - $000a77e0 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000a77e0-$000a77e1] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000a77e1-$000a77e5] PAUSE ($00035A18 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000a77e5-$000a77e9] PAUSE ($00000CE0 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000a77e9-$000a7853] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (106 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0129 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OA Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $2A/$2A) CRC32 : $3FB4FA0E Tapclean CRC32 : $63D9F3ED Pilots/trailers : 210/7 ($D2/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000a7853 - $000a9d22 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000a9d22-$000a9d23] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000a9d23-$000a9d27] PAUSE ($000363C7 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000a9d27-$000a9d2b] PAUSE ($00000C75 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000a9d2b-$000a9d8c] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (97 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 012e File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OB Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $3E/$3E) CRC32 : $885B7BBB Tapclean CRC32 : $48792219 Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000a9d8c - $000ac263 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000ac263-$000ac264] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000ac264-$000ac268] PAUSE ($000355DB cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000ac268-$000ac26c] PAUSE ($00000DEF cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000ac26c-$000ac2bf] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (83 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0133 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OC Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $64/$64) CRC32 : $3C5519F0 Tapclean CRC32 : $65719435 Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000ac2bf - $000ae796 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000ae796-$000ae797] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000ae797-$000ae79b] PAUSE ($0003591D cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000ae79b-$000ae79f] PAUSE ($00000CD3 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000ae79f-$000ae7fc] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (93 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0138 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OD Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $DF/$DF) CRC32 : $66107BCB Tapclean CRC32 : $4294B8C8 Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000ae7fc - $000b0d3b 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000b0d3b-$000b0d3c] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000b0d3c-$000b0d40] PAUSE ($00035D6C cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000b0d40-$000b0d44] PAUSE ($00000B0F cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000b0d44-$000b0da5] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (97 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 013d File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : T7 Load address : $0000 End address : $059F (in loader: $059F) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $82/$82) CRC32 : $2D3E2EA2 Tapclean CRC32 : $01552F27 Pilots/trailers : 210/7 ($D2/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 1440 bytes Bytes decoded : 1445 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000b0da5 - $000b4174 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000b4174-$000b4175] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000b4175-$000b4179] PAUSE ($00035018 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000b4179-$000b417d] PAUSE ($00000CAD cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000b417d-$000b41e7] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (106 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0142 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : B7 Load address : $0000 End address : $086F (in loader: $086F) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $B1/$B1) CRC32 : $F4780D05 Tapclean CRC32 : $8FDDF937 Pilots/trailers : 212/7 ($D4/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 2160 bytes Bytes decoded : 2165 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000b41e7 - $000b8c46 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000b8c46-$000b8c47] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000b8c47-$000b8c4b] PAUSE ($00033BE0 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000b8c4b-$000b8c4f] PAUSE ($00000C2C cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000b8c4f-$000b8cac] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (93 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0147 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : O3 Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $29/$29) CRC32 : $14C67693 Tapclean CRC32 : $3B2B0CAA Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000b8cac - $000bb183 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000bb183-$000bb184] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000bb184-$000bb188] PAUSE ($00035640 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000bb188-$000bb18c] PAUSE ($00000B2D cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000bb18c-$000bb1f6] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (106 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 014c File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : O4 Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $6C/$6C) CRC32 : $E6BEF06D Tapclean CRC32 : $FB83C90A Pilots/trailers : 210/7 ($D2/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000bb1f6 - $000bd6c5 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000bd6c5-$000bd6c6] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000bd6c6-$000bd6ca] PAUSE ($00035C7B cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000bd6ca-$000bd6ce] PAUSE ($00000CAA cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000bd6ce-$000bd72f] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (97 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0151 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : O8 Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $CD/$CD) CRC32 : $06445B8F Tapclean CRC32 : $EA454D98 Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000bd72f - $000bfc06 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000bfc06-$000bfc07] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000bfc07-$000bfc0b] PAUSE ($0003623C cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000bfc0b-$000bfc0f] PAUSE ($00000CA7 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000bfc0f-$000bfc77] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (104 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0156 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OE Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $80/$80) CRC32 : $B87D20F0 Tapclean CRC32 : $57FBED27 Pilots/trailers : 210/7 ($D2/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000bfc77 - $000c21ae 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000c21ae-$000c21af] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000c21af-$000c21b3] PAUSE ($00036040 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000c21b3-$000c21b7] PAUSE ($00000DF7 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000c21b7-$000c2226] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (111 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 015b File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OF Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $37/$37) CRC32 : $9CEA3EF9 Tapclean CRC32 : $EBC8B9C5 Pilots/trailers : 210/7 ($D2/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000c2226 - $000c475d 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000c475d-$000c475e] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000c475e-$000c4762] PAUSE ($0003582E cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000c4762-$000c4766] PAUSE ($00000EBF cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000c4766-$000c47bc] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (86 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0160 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : T8 Load address : $0000 End address : $059F (in loader: $059F) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $DE/$DE) CRC32 : $EE85BE30 Tapclean CRC32 : $2E781EA8 Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 1440 bytes Bytes decoded : 1445 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000c47bc - $000c7b93 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000c7b93-$000c7b94] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000c7b94-$000c7b98] PAUSE ($00035B02 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000c7b98-$000c7b9c] PAUSE ($00000D77 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000c7b9c-$000c7c0f] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (115 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0165 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : B8 Load address : $0000 End address : $086F (in loader: $086F) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $44/$44) CRC32 : $6F28315B Tapclean CRC32 : $C34E6D31 Pilots/trailers : 210/7 ($D2/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 2160 bytes Bytes decoded : 2165 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000c7c0f - $000cc65e 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000cc65e-$000cc65f] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000cc65f-$000cc663] PAUSE ($00034DB8 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000cc663-$000cc667] PAUSE ($00000CFC cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000cc667-$000cc6bf] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (88 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 016a File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OC Load address : $0000 End address : $03BF (in loader: $03BF) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $64/$64) CRC32 : $3C5519F0 Tapclean CRC32 : $65719435 Pilots/trailers : 212/7 ($D4/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 960 bytes Bytes decoded : 965 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000cc6bf - $000ceb9e 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000ceb9e-$000ceb9f] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000ceb9f-$000ceba3] PAUSE ($00035939 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000ceba3-$000ceba7] PAUSE ($00000C7F cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000ceba7-$000cec0a] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (99 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 016f File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OD Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $DF/$DF) CRC32 : $66107BCB Tapclean CRC32 : $4294B8C8 Pilots/trailers : 210/7 ($D2/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000cec0a - $000d1141 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000d1141-$000d1142] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000d1142-$000d1146] PAUSE ($00035B18 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000d1146-$000d114a] PAUSE ($00000CBA cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000d114a-$000d11b7] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (109 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0174 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OE Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $80/$80) CRC32 : $B87D20F0 Tapclean CRC32 : $57FBED27 Pilots/trailers : 210/7 ($D2/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000d11b7 - $000d36ee 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000d36ee-$000d36ef] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000d36ef-$000d36f3] PAUSE ($00035334 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000d36f3-$000d36f7] PAUSE ($00000A18 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000d36f7-$000d3776] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (127 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0179 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OF Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $37/$37) CRC32 : $9CEA3EF9 Tapclean CRC32 : $EBC8B9C5 Pilots/trailers : 210/7 ($D2/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000d3776 - $000d5cad 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000d5cad-$000d5cae] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000d5cae-$000d5cb2] PAUSE ($00035A98 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000d5cb2-$000d5cb6] PAUSE ($000009CA cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000d5cb6-$000d5d1c] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (102 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 017e File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OG Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $B2/$B2) CRC32 : $B19EB3A4 Tapclean CRC32 : $5E00C2E2 Pilots/trailers : 210/7 ($D2/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000d5d1c - $000d8253 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000d8253-$000d8254] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000d8254-$000d8258] PAUSE ($00034FAB cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000d8258-$000d825c] PAUSE ($00000DBB cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000d825c-$000d82cc] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (112 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0183 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : TB Load address : $0000 End address : $059F (in loader: $059F) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $33/$33) CRC32 : $3AD302BF Tapclean CRC32 : $EF261174 Pilots/trailers : 210/7 ($D2/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 1440 bytes Bytes decoded : 1445 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000d82cc - $000db69b 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000db69b-$000db69c] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000db69c-$000db6a0] PAUSE ($00035EBD cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000db6a0-$000db6a4] PAUSE ($00000BFD cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000db6a4-$000db710] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (108 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0188 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : B8 Load address : $0000 End address : $086F (in loader: $086F) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $44/$44) CRC32 : $6F28315B Tapclean CRC32 : $C34E6D31 Pilots/trailers : 212/7 ($D4/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 2160 bytes Bytes decoded : 2165 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000db710 - $000e016f 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000e016f-$000e0170] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000e0170-$000e0174] PAUSE ($00034E93 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000e0174-$000e0178] PAUSE ($00000D7B cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000e0178-$000e0206] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (142 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 018d File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OE Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $80/$80) CRC32 : $B87D20F0 Tapclean CRC32 : $57FBED27 Pilots/trailers : 210/7 ($D2/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000e0206 - $000e273d 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000e273d-$000e273e] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000e273e-$000e2742] PAUSE ($00035D83 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000e2742-$000e2746] PAUSE ($00000CB9 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000e2746-$000e27b3] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (109 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0192 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OF Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $37/$37) CRC32 : $9CEA3EF9 Tapclean CRC32 : $EBC8B9C5 Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000e27b3 - $000e4cf2 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000e4cf2-$000e4cf3] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000e4cf3-$000e4cf7] PAUSE ($00035236 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000e4cf7-$000e4cfb] PAUSE ($00000D8D cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000e4cfb-$000e4d67] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (108 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 0197 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OF Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $37/$37) CRC32 : $9CEA3EF9 Tapclean CRC32 : $EBC8B9C5 Pilots/trailers : 209/7 ($D1/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000e4d67 - $000e7296 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000e7296-$000e7297] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000e7297-$000e729b] PAUSE ($00035E0E cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000e729b-$000e729f] PAUSE ($00000D28 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000e729f-$000e730c] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (109 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 019c File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OF Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $37/$37) CRC32 : $9CEA3EF9 Tapclean CRC32 : $EBC8B9C5 Pilots/trailers : 211/7 ($D3/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000e730c - $000e984b 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000e984b-$000e984c] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000e984c-$000e9850] PAUSE ($00035670 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000e9850-$000e9854] PAUSE ($00000A90 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000e9854-$000e98b2] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (94 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Block ID : 01a1 File type : US GOLD / EPYX Filename : OF Load address : $0000 End address : $03CC (in loader: $03CC) Checksum : OK! (Found/Expected $37/$37) CRC32 : $9CEA3EF9 Tapclean CRC32 : $EBC8B9C5 Pilots/trailers : 212/7 ($D4/$7) Headersize : 4 bytes Filesize : 973 bytes Bytes decoded : 978 bytes (incl. additional data) TAP location : $000e98b2 - $000ebdf9 8 broken pilot pulses detected and will be fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000ebdf9-$000ebdfa] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (1 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000ebdfa-$000ebdfe] PAUSE ($000368EE cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000ebdfe-$000ebe02] PAUSE ($0160E1EA cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000ebe06-$000ebe08] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (2 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000ebe08-$000ebe0c] PAUSE ($00000D3E cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000ebe0c-$000ebe19] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (13 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000ebe19-$000ebe1d] PAUSE ($00000EE5 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000ebe1d-$000ebe21] UNRECOGNISED BLOCK (4 pulses) -------------------------------------------------------------------- [$000ebe21-$000ebe25] PAUSE ($002D0000 cycles) -------------------------------------------------------------------- TAP-pulse stats: ---------------- $06 : 1 $08 : 4 $09 : 5 $0a : 14 $0b : 53 $0c : 103 $0d : 195 $0e : 413 $0f : 653 $10 : 955 $11 : 1109 $12 : 1180 $13 : 1391 $14 : 1853 $15 : 2300 $16 : 2789 $17 : 2592 $18 : 2304 $19 : 7468 $1a : 67003 $1b : 173780 $1c : 420402 $1d : 68543 $1e : 600 $1f : 70 $20 : 33 $21 : 12 $23 : 6 $24 : 2 $25 : 5 $26 : 7 $27 : 11 $28 : 34 $29 : 67 $2a : 91 $2b : 139 $2c : 146 $2d : 213 $2e : 225 $2f : 255 $30 : 301 $31 : 249 $32 : 271 $33 : 190 $34 : 216 $35 : 243 $36 : 256 $37 : 267 $38 : 258 $39 : 228 $3a : 222 $3b : 195 $3c : 165 $3d : 154 $3e : 169 $3f : 157 $40 : 175 $41 : 403 $42 : 7093 $43 : 39104 $44 : 75023 $45 : 59958 $46 : 19714 $47 : 2371 $48 : 126 $49 : 27 $4a : 38 $4b : 42 $4c : 30 $4d : 33 $4e : 48 $4f : 61 $50 : 46 $51 : 47 $52 : 63 $53 : 66 $54 : 54 $55 : 47 $56 : 25 $57 : 20 $58 : 12 $59 : 10 $5a : 9 $5b : 12 $5c : 10 $5d : 8 $5e : 9 $5f : 8 $60 : 5 $61 : 6 $62 : 9 $63 : 6 $64 : 7 $65 : 14 $66 : 18 $67 : 7 $68 : 10 $69 : 5 $6a : 7 $6b : 2 $6c : 6 $6d : 8 $6e : 3 $6f : 3 $70 : 4 $71 : 2 $73 : 2 $74 : 1 $76 : 3 $78 : 2 $79 : 1 $7b : 4 $7c : 2 $7d : 1 $7e : 1 $7f : 1 $86 : 1 $89 : 3 $8c : 1 $8d : 1 $8e : 1 $8f : 1 $90 : 2 $92 : 1 $93 : 3 $94 : 2 $95 : 1 $96 : 2 $97 : 2 $99 : 1 $9a : 2 $9b : 4 $9d : 1 $9e : 1 $9f : 2 $a0 : 3 $a1 : 1 $a2 : 2 $a3 : 2 $a4 : 3 $a6 : 1 $a7 : 4 $a8 : 1 $aa : 2 $ab : 1 $ad : 1 $af : 1 $b0 : 1 $b3 : 1 $b4 : 2 $b5 : 1 $b6 : 2 $c1 : 1 $c6 : 1 $cf : 1 $d1 : 1 $ee : 1