The organisers wish to thank the following companies and the authors of the titles included in this compilation. A’n’F Ocean Activision Psion Beyond Quicksilva Bug-Byte Realtime The Edge Taskset Elite Thor Fantasy Virgin Interceptor US Gold Melbourne House Argus Press Group East Midlands Allied Press Home Computer Trade Weekly IPC Business Press Your Computer Magazine Sunshine Publications Duplication by: Ablex Audio-Video Ltd. Distributed by: Microdealer U.K. Ltd. Artwork: David John Rowe Graphics: Peter Young Graphic Design PR: Meridian Public Relations Printing: Beshara Press Photography: Gordon Hammond Proceeds to: The Bob Geldof Band-Aid Ethiopian Appeal Fund The offers of support from Artic, Llamasoft, Micromega, PSS, Softek, Software Projects, are also appreciated. The efforts of all contributors to the appeal are gratefully acknowledged. SOFTAID FEED THE WORLD If you have a tape counter on your cassette recorder you should set it to zero. You can then find the required program by fast forwarding to the number indicated next to the program title. LOADING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Make sure that the tape is wound to the beginning of the desired program. 2. Hold down the SHIFT key press the RUN/STOP key. Press PLAY on the tape deck and the program will commence loading. Some of the games in this compilation show a blank screen during loading, so be patient. © Please do not make unauthorised copies of this tape. It is an attempt by those involved to help the Bob Geldof Band Aid Ethiopian Appeal Fund alleviate one of the world’s worst natural disasters. Each tape sold will feed the hungry, so if you want a copy, GO OUT AND BUY ONE. SIDE ONE OOOO Do they know it's Christmas? — Band Aid 0049 Gumshoe — A'n’F Gumshoe our intrepid private detective, has been hired to rescue a millionaire’s daughter from kidnappers. Having tracked down the gang to a complex of tower blocks, Gumshoe starts his search and... Full instructions are included within the game. The game is controlled by Joystick option only. 0112 Beam Rider — Activision Difficulty and sector levels can be chosen by pressing the appropriate key. Level Begins at sector 1 1 2 5 3 10 You begin with 3 ships, two on service. 15 saucers in each sector which must be destroyed before you progress. You have 3 torpedoes per sector, (fired by pushing the joystick forward) for destroying the Sentinel ship. Allow the yellow rejuvenators to land on your deck, each will add a bonus ship. White Enemy Saucers 44 pts. Yellow Chirper Ships 280 pts. Sector Sentinel 330 pts. Additional Sector Bonuses. 0219 Star Trader — Bugbyte An interplanetary trade simulation with 3D Space flight. In the arcade section you can use joystick or the following keys on the keyboard: Left and Right Z and X Up and Down I and Symbol Shift Fire ENTER Quit Q Pause A Sound Off/On S 0327 Gyropod — Task Set You’re in command of the Galaxy Ranger and have to destroy the heavily defended planets. You use the cannon on docking with the Ranger class Rim. Plunder the nearest planet as you have insufficient ammo to destroy every planet. Joystick control. Press a Key, A-Z for the game options menu. The controls are: Up/Down to spin around the rim of the Galaxy Ranger, Two Lefts and a Right to launch the Pod. The FIRE button fires the cannon in space, the retro rockets during descent, and the hand stunner on the planet surface. Push the Joystick UP to blast off from the Planet surface. 0356 China Miner — Interceptor Joystick, or Keyboard control as follows: 3- UP, X- DOWN, @ - LEFT, j - RIGHT, SHIFT to JUMP, RUN/STOP + RESTORE aborts the game in progress. Miner Wally must brave the perils of the Jade Mines to search for treasure and the keys to the next, more difficult level. 30 hazardous levels await Wally in his search for the secret at the bottom of the mines. SIDE TWO OOOO Do they know it’s Christmas? — Band Aid 0048 Kokotoni Wilf — Elite Kempston Joystick Interface, Interface 2, any programmable joystick, or by keyboard control: Z, M, 5 Left X, SYMBOL SHIFT, 8 Right 0, 1 Fly SPACE Music On/Off The Great Magician Ulrich discovered that there had once existed a legendary Dragon Amulet which had been shattered and the fragments scattered through time. Being too ancient to recover the fragments himself, Ulrich commanded his athletic protege, Kokotoni Wilf, to undertake the task. Ulrich provided him with a set of wings to aid him. After all the segments had been gathered from each time period, Ulrich provided a glowing time-gate to enable travel to the next Time Period. Miner Wally must brave the perils of the Jade Mines to search for treasure and the keys to the next, more difficult level. 30 hazardous levels await Wally in his search for the secret at the bottom of the mines. 0156 Gilligan’s Gold — Ocean Place the bags of gold in your wheelbarrow before the time runs out. Each bag increases your time and score, but beware, the outlaws are after you — and the gold. You can escape by jumping on the trucks (by hanging on the hooks) or via the ladders and lifts, but watch out for the deadly, deep mine-shafts. The outlaws can be stunned by dropping the bags of gold on them. Status and Scoring On screen scoring shows current score, hi-score and number of lives remaining. Start with 4,000 time units — each bag gives you 4,000 more. Controls The game is controlled by any Commodore compatible joystick through either port 1 or 2. 0196 Fred — Quicksilva Joystick control. Playing instructions will be given once the game has loaded. Action beneath the pyramids! Fearless Fred the intrepid Archaeologist searches the creepy catacombs below the torpid tomb of Tootiecarmoon. 0237 Falcon Patrol — Virgin Joystick control, Port 1. Press the FIRE button to start the game. Press the FIRE button to release AAMS. Stop the attacking jets destroying your oil installations and refuelling bases. You have radar and 100 AAM’s. To refuel and rearm you must land vertically on one of your bases. Beware, the enemy will relish the chance to bomb you whilst you are vulnerable. The longer you survive, the more planes will attack you in each wave. 0302 Flak - US Gold Joystick control. Port 2 or keyboard. Push the joystick forward to accelerate, pull it back to decelerate, right or left for right or left and FIRE button for fire. For the keyboard control, press A to accelerate, Z to decelerate, CRSR Left/Right key to move right, CRSR Up/Down key to move left and the SPACE BAR to fire. FI key ends the game, F3 key selects level of difficulty, F5 key to select one or two players and F7 to pause and restart the game. A renegade C.P.U. is out to take over the universe. The approach to it’s Computer Control is heavily guarded by FLAK batteries. Your mission is to evade the FLAK and destroy Computer Control. BAND-AID TRUST c/o Stoy Hayward 8, Baker St. LONDON W1.